
Women’s Funding Landscape Study Released

The Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI) at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy released Women’s Foundations and Funds: a Landscape Study on May 14th, 2019, the first of its kind in 10 years, with updated data and expanded scope looking at the world of women’s philanthropy.

Women’s foundations and funds are a powerful force in philanthropy dedicated to women and girls. Giving from these organizations is substantial, but aside from a 2009 landscape report from the Foundation Center (now Candid) and Channel affiliate, Women’s Funding Network (WFN), research has focused on women’s foundations and funds is quite limited.

The new report helps fill a gap in knowledge about these grant-making organizations that support giving by women to women. The report explores patterns across more than 200 women’s foundations and funds, demonstrating the importance of these organizations in creating positive change for the broader community by investing in women and girls.

The study concludes by highlighting the fact that women’s foundations and funds “award millions of dollars in grants each year and contribute critical resources to raising awareness on the status of and issues facing women.”