On March 19, 2024, Cultural Survival, a Channel grantee, published the first edition of its 48th quarterly magazine titled Indigenizing Emerging Technologies spotlighting the intersection between Indigenous Peoples and technology. ...
New Report Highlights The State of Funding
On April 2, 2024, Global Greengrants, a previous Channel grantee, released a new report titled “A Holistic Approach to Funding Women Environmental Defenders”. The report highlights the state of funding at the intersection of women, the environment, and gender-based violence and provides recommendations for a holistic approach to funding women…...
Analyzing Funding to Indigenous Women
In March 2024, International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP) and International Indigenous Women’s Forum (FIMI), two Channel grantee partners, released a new report titled “Leaders and Stewards: Global Analysis of Funding to Indigenous Women”. The report seeks to “assess the progress, funding status, and challenges in funding for Indigenous Women’s…...
IFIP Launches Report on Indigenous Funding Trends
On April 20, 2023, the International Founders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP), a Channel grantee partner, held a launch event at the Ford Foundation for their upcoming report, “Global Funding Trend Analysis on Indigenous Peoples Philanthropy.” The report, developed by IFIP and Archipel Research and Consulting, is a “global analysis of…...
WLP’s Partner in Morocco Fights for Women’s Equal Land Rights
Since 2007, Channel partner the Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) has been working on collective land issues with L’Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc (ADFM) and the Soulaliyates, rural tribal women in Morocco. Over the years, this collaboration has resulted in advocacy campaigns, communications workshops, provincial and national land reforms, and…...
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