Location: Sacramento, CA, USA
Grant Work: Global
Channel Focus Area: Advancing Indigenous Women’s Rights and Leadership
Website: www.internationalfunders.org
Watch: IFIP YouTube; IFIP Vimeo
The mission of International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP), the only global donor affinity group dedicated to Indigenous Peoples worldwide, is to foster Indigenous solutions and partnerships among Indigenous Peoples and funders around the globe.
Through long time membership and collaboration with IFIP, Channel has seen the many ways it has had an impact on the world of philanthropy by raising awareness of the paltry funding levels for Indigenous Peoples, by collaborating closely and amplifying priorities identified by Indigenous movement leaders, and providing critical space for convening.
IFIP has collaborated for a long time with Channel and other partners in the field to bring more attention to the needs and leadership of Indigenous women. In 2016, IFIP actually helped launch the first research on the nature of funding for Indigenous women. Co-authored along with AWID and FIMI, the report, “A Call to Action: Insight into the status of Funding for Indigenous Women’s Groups” provided a first-of-its kind snapshot of the funding landscape for Indigenous women’s organizing.
In March 2024, IFIP released a report which aimed to update the data and sought to “assess the progress, funding status, and challenges in funding for Indigenous Women’s Organizations.” “Leaders and Stewards: Global Analysis of Funding to Indigenous Women” was developed in conjunction with Channel partner International Indigenous Women’s Forum (FIMI),
Channel Grants:
2023: The Channel Foundation made a general operating grant to International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP) to support their mission to foster Indigenous solutions and partnerships among Indigenous Peoples and funders around the globe. IFIP works to transform relationships between the funding world and Indigenous Peoples to one of mutual understanding and benefit.
IFIP has been particularly focused on increasing and improving the quantity and quality of funding going to support Indigenous women’s leadership and organizing work. In fact, IFIP “organize[d] virtual dialogues with indigenous women organizations to inform a road map for funding to share with IFIP members, women’s funds, and feminist funders in an ongoing effort to form closer collaboration and nurture strong partnerships with a diverse group of Indigenous women organizations.” In addition, IFIP commissioned a Global Funding Landscape to Indigenous Peoples research and an ancillary report focused on funding for Indigenous Women.
Ultimately, “in allyship and solidarity with the Indigenous women’s movement – IFIP is expanding and deepening [their] relationship with Indigenous women global/regional organizations, networks, and forums.”
2018: Grant to IFIP to support the launch of a peer learning and collaborative funders’ space focused on Indigenous Women and their inclusion across issues and movements. The Working Group provides a dedicated space for funders to hear directly from Indigenous Women and to grow and strengthen partnerships that respect and incorporate Indigenous Women’s individual and collective rights.
The IFIP Indigenous Women’s Working Group holds dialogues and meeting spaces where women’s funders and funders interested in funding Indigenous Peoples can learn from each other and strategize around values-based approaches to funding Indigenous Women.
IFIP is the only global donor affinity group dedicated solely to Indigenous peoples around the world. Since their founding, IFIP has built momentum toward a new movement in philanthropy that recognizes Indigenous communities as high-impact investments. IFIP has long had a commitment to increasing and improving funding for Indigenous women.