Channel’s support to its grantee partners has contributed to many useful tools, publications and multimedia projects highlighted here along with others that are particularly relevant to the field of women’s human rights.

Tools (toolkits, websites, apps):

Resourcing Women's Rights Initiative and Where is the Money Toolkit (AWID)

AWID Where is the money

Mapeo (Digital Democracy)


CEDAW For Indigenous Women and Girls (FIMI)


Movement Capacity Assessment Tool (GFW)

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Power and Protection Collective Security Site (JASS/FGHR)

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Global Map of Advocates (WEI)

WEI survey and mapping project

Corpus of Laws (WLP)

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#LOGONRISEUP Mobile App (World Pulse)

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Take Action 16 Days Campaign Toolkit (CWGL)

CWGL 16 days logo

Disability Justice Project (Disability Rights Fund)

Disability Justice Project logo

Manual about CEDAW (FIMI)


Our Rights, Our Safety Toolkit (JASS)

animated group of adults holding hands in a circle with text stating "Our Right. Our Safety: Resources For Women Human Rights Defenders"

Brilliant and Resilient Photo Exhibit (MIUSA)

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Mobile App (WILPF)

WILPF mobile app

Oral History Archive (WLP)

GBV Emergency Response Call Center (Digital Democracy)

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Yara WHRD Center (Femena)


Resource Mobilization Toolkit (FRIDA)

FRIDA Resource Mobilization Toolkit

We Rise: Movement Building Reimagined (JASS)

JASS We Rise

Sexual and Reproductive Justice Resources (RESURJ)

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100th Women's Peacemaking Anniversary Atlas (WILPF)

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Gender Justice Observatory (WLW)

WLW gender justice Ob logo


A Call to Action: Insights into the Status of Funding for Indigenous Women's Groups (AWID, FIMI, IFIP)

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Between Fresh Water and the Tides (IM-Defensoras)

between fresh water

Global Women's Disability Rights Mapping and Advocacy Report (WEI)

WEI Mapping pub

Seeking Social Change in the Courts Tools for Strategic Advocacy (WLW)

WLW seeking social change

Supporting Inclusive Movements: Funding the Rights of Women with Disabilities Report (Disability Rights Fund featuring MIUSA)

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Insiste, Persiste, Resiste, Existe: WHRDs Security Strategies (UAF)

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Life at the Bottom of the Chain: Women in Artisanal Mines in DRC (WILPF)

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What the Women Say Policy Briefs (ICAN)

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Whats the Point of the Revolution if We Can't Dance? (UAF)

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Community Conversations Country Reports (WRN)

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Multimedia Projects:

Fundamental Documentary (Global Fund for Women)

thumbnail of five headshots of women side-by-side with text stating "Fundamental. Gender Justice. No Exceptions."

Haiti Rape Survivors Project (IJDH)

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WILD in Panama Event Video (MIUSA)

WILD Panama

Women, War and Peace Series Global Screenings (Peace is Loud)

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Peace in Colombia: How Women Shaped the Deal (GNWP)

GNWP How women shaped

Television Spot Video on Therapeutic Abortion (IPAS)

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Sexual Harassment Campaign (MONES)

MONES Sexual Harassment

Cypher Comics (Front Line Defenders)

cypher second edition try 2

The Open Cage: A Radio Drama on UN Security Council 132 (IWTC)

Women Talk peace

The Uncondemned Documentary Global Screenings (Peace is Loud)

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That Feminist Fire (AWID)


Feminist For a People's Vaccine Podcast (DAWN)


Podcasts Archive (Global Press)


Ripple Effects (MIUSA)


Think and Resist (WILPF)


Con Todas sus Letras (Consorcio Oaxaca)


Old Dog, New Tricks (DAWN)




Outright Proud Podcast (Outright)


The WLUML Podcast (WLUML)


Indigenous Rights Radio (Cultural Survival)


Rights on the Line (Frontline Defenders)


Mujeres Cruzando la Línea (JASS)




Women, Peace & Rights (WRN)
