Channel’s support to its grantee partners has contributed to many useful tools, publications and multimedia projects highlighted here along with others that are particularly relevant to the field of women’s human rights.
Tools (toolkits, websites, apps):
Resourcing Women's Rights Initiative and Where is the Money Toolkit (AWID)
Mapeo (Digital Democracy)
CEDAW For Indigenous Women and Girls (FIMI)
Movement Capacity Assessment Tool (GFW)
Power and Protection Collective Security Site (JASS/FGHR)
Global Map of Advocates (WEI)
Corpus of Laws (WLP)
#LOGONRISEUP Mobile App (World Pulse)
Take Action 16 Days Campaign Toolkit (CWGL)
Disability Justice Project (Disability Rights Fund)
Manual about CEDAW (FIMI)
Our Rights, Our Safety Toolkit (JASS)
Brilliant and Resilient Photo Exhibit (MIUSA)
Mobile App (WILPF)
Oral History Archive (WLP)
GBV Emergency Response Call Center (Digital Democracy)
Yara WHRD Center (Femena)
Resource Mobilization Toolkit (FRIDA)
We Rise: Movement Building Reimagined (JASS)
Sexual and Reproductive Justice Resources (RESURJ)