Lidija Vasiljevic

Country of Origin:

WLS Award:


Graduate Program: Master’s Program in Gender Politics at the University of Belgrade, Serbia

Background & Goals: Lidija Vasiljevic has worked on a variety of issues in the field of international women’s human rights including; violence against women, women in the media, sex trafficking, feminist theology, and women’s economic development. She has worked as a trainer and Program Manager for a variety of organizations including; The Association for Women’s Initiatives (AWIN), ATC Anti Trafficking Centre, INDOK, and ICVA/CIS. She also has lead psychodrama groups and workshops for AWIN as a form of stress management for activists, and as a forum for cooperation and socializing for women. Additionally, she is a founder of ASTRA, an anti human trafficking initiative of AWIN which works on prevention and public education about human trafficking.

Post-Degree Projects: Vasiljevic contributed to a manual about LGBTIQ rights and victim support in the SEE region. Additionally, while in school, she facilitated gender trainings for NGOs, convened educational psychodrama groups and regular psychosocial groups for victims of sex trafficking, and assisted women in political research. She was asked to contribute to the “Feminist alphabet” project, an effort to publish works from 36 young authors, and has been invited to present at a variety of conferences.