Amarjargal Davjayev

Country of Origin:

WLS Award:


Graduate Program:  Master’s degree program in Human Rights at Mahidol University Center for Human Rights Studies and Social Development, Bangkok, Thailand

Background & Goals: Amarjargal Davjayev has worked extensively on issues of women’s human rights and human trafficking. She was a Third Millennium Foundation Fellow at the International Center for Tolerance Education (ICTE), and worked with the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW) in Thailand as its Information and Communications Officer.  In addition, Amarjargal worked at the Center for Human Rights and Development (CHRD) in Mongolia as a Lawyer and Program Coordinator for its Anti-Trafficking Program.  Following her studies, Davjayev planned to return to Mongolia to work with CHRD advocating for changes in Mongolian national law and criminal code in accordance with international legal standards on human trafficking, such as the Palermo Protocol.  Additionally, she hoped to implement a national database to facilitate cross-agency and country coordination to ensure that support networks are made available to those affected.

Post-Degree Projects: Davjayev became the Executive Director of the CHRD in Mongolia in September 2011. While there, she continued her work focused on anti-trafficking and legal reform for trafficking victims. She was awarded a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship in 2012-2013 and became a Fellow at the University of Minnesota Law School. She subsequently co-authored the publication “Strategic Litigation: Protection of Rights through Public Interest Litigation” for the Open Society Forum–Mongolia. In February 2014 Davjayev became a Programme Officer at the International Women’s Rights Action Watch-Asia Pacific (IWRAW-AP) where she remains committed to the realization of women’s human rights through the pursuit of gender equality.